T-45A Goshawk This is a premium poster with the Tell Me How description of military flight on museum quality Archival Matte Paper.


This is the T-45A. This is a luxurious 18x24 image printed on museum quality poster printed on Ultra Premium Luster Photo paper, the same paper used by professional photographers to bring out the smallest details in their prints. Proudly displayed by hundreds of aviators,  all of our products are 100% guaranteed to satisfy or your money back, no questions asked. This is SH!” wrote an F-15E pilot about our posters, and we hope you agree..

Tell Me How is about the joy of flying written by a world-class American F-35 pilot. Originally written as a rant against simulators, it captures the feelings a pilot has across all phases of flight. It has been shared by military pilots across the nation.

Packed in protective shippers.

"Ditch, you really captured it. I think we've been waiting for a long time for someone to capture the feel of "the office." There's so much in the text that only we ever experienced, privately, and could never find the words to express. So, just wanted to thank you for the words, but also what the poster does for those who read it then look at me and feel he/she knows something personal, private about me in a way I would never openly share." Pilot, F-15 A/C/E